Medical Weight Loss

Medical weight loss refers to a supervised, medically guided method to losing weight and managing obesity. Medical weight loss programs typically entail some type of appetite suppressant therapy. Most medical weight loss programs do not include dietary guidance with their treatment which unfortunately often results in weight regain. Our coaching approach is to provide the necessary nutrition support to clients taking medication therapy so that they can have sustainable weight loss results.

Here are a few key components of medical weight loss and topics we will discuss during our coaching sessions:

  1. Personalized Weight Loss Plans: We create a personalized weight loss plan tailored to your specific needs, goals, and medical conditions. This plan will include dietary recommendations, exercise prescription, and behavioral strategies. 
  1. Nutritional Guidance: We provide guidance on healthy eating, portion control, meal planning, and address any nutritional deficiency concerns. We will establish a foundational understanding of nutrition so that you know the what, the how, and the why. 
  1. Behavioral Counseling: We explore your eating behaviors and food habits and address topics such as emotional eating, boredom eating, and stress eating. Our goal is to help you develop healthier habits that lead to lifestyle changes.
  1. Education and Support: We teach nutrition education during our sessions and create educational resources such as food lists, recipes, and grocery lists. These resources are your tools to help you reach your personalized goals. 
  1. Long-Term Maintenance: We are focused on successful long-term weight maintenance. The strategies for sustainable weight loss are deeply integrated into your program with us. We will not use short-term fixes but rather a comprehensive plan that addresses all aspects of eating from behaviors to food choices for an overall lifestyle change and happier you!

It's important to note this is a gradual process and we may experience setbacks along the way. Practicing patience, persistence, and the willingness to adapt and learn from these setbacks will be crucial for your success. If you are ready for change, book a free consultation with me today so we can start working on the future you want!